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Working in Case Bank Facilitated for Public Lawyers

The computer program Case Bank, which enables Legal Aid Service to produce statistics of the rendered services, was improved and got more convenient for public lawyers.

On May 23, the director of the development company Idea Design Group – Mariam Zangaladze presented to the LAS lawyers the web application through which it becomes possible to work in computer program not only from the office as it was before this change, but also from any place where there is internet.

The web application was elaborated and Case Bank was updated with support of the EU-UN joint program Enhancing Access to Justice and Development of a Child-Friendly Justice System in Georgia.

Besides the web-application, as a part of update of this computer program, a separate module was added to Case Bank for those lawyers who are registered in the registry of the contracted public lawyers and render free legal assistance to citizens in a manner prescribed by the Georgian legislation.

Case Bank collects data regarding the handled cases, rendered consultations and drafted documents by the Service. The program enables to process and analyze statistical information.