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The Legal Aid Service is actively working on implementing an artificial intelligence (AI) platform

The Legal Aid Service is actively working on implementing an artificial intelligence (AI) platform.

 A training on the topic of " The Use of artificial intelligence in the process of drafting legal documents and consulting" was held for attorneys and consultants who specialize in civil law,  on August 23,  and it was organized by the Electronic Systems Management and Information Processing Department of the Service.

Lado Sirdadze, an Associate Professor and a legal engineer at the Business and Technology University (BTU), led the training. 
The participants learned the Legaltech program LOGIS and heard about the experiences of the foreign colleagues, and posed questions on the issues of interest for  them. The LOGOS software enables legal aid staff to instantly prepare consultation documents and lawsuits. It was decided that the second training session would take place soon,  where they will  get familiarized  how to actually employ artificial intelligence.