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Online support

Training on Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment in Tskhaltubo

LAS public lawyers attend 3-day training on “Placement of a person in a medical institution with the aim of involuntary psychiatric treatment”. The purpose of the training is to raise awareness of the public lawyers on the above-mentioned..


Dutch Expert Visit Georgia to Study Caseload of Legal Aid Service Lawyers

The former CEO of the Dutch Legal Aid Council Peter Van Den Biggelaar who now is a legal aid expert visited Legal Aid Service of Georgia for several days. The aim of the visit is to study caseload of the public lawyers who work at the LAS legal aid b..


Europe Day Celebrated in Batumi

Europe Day celebrated in Batumi. The LAS Adjara Legal Aid Bureau was presented with a special stand at the exposition near Alphabet Tower. The Bureau employees actively informed guests and media representatives about the LAS services. Information bro..


Public Lawyers and Consultants Attend Training on Prohibition of Crime Provocation

The LAS lawyers and consultants attend training organized by the USAID project PROLoG. The deputy director of the Service Irakli Shonia welcomed the participants of the training. As he underlined, the society has big interest towards the topic of the..


Meeting with Journalists in Katchreti

With joint support of the EU Office in Georgia and UNDP, the hotel Ambassadori-Katchreti hosted the meeting between journalists and producers of the central and regional media and representatives of Legal Aid Service. The aim of the meeting was to in..


Tajikistan and Belarus Joint Delegation Paid a Visit to Legal Aid Service

On October, 2018, Legal Aid Service hosted representatives of Tajikistan and Belarus. The meeting was a part of a study visit with the aim to get introduced with the juvenile justice system of Georgia. Director of the Service Meliton Benidze gave ..


Boslevi Population Got Introduced with LAS Services

The LAS Imereti-Zestaphoni Bureau lawyers – Tea Jangiani and Nana Lutidze held an information meeting in Boslevi village, Zestaphoni Municipality. The local population got introduced with the LAS work, its services, and eligibility criteria for..


Europe Day in Akhaltsikhe

On September 29, in Akhaltsikhe, at Rabat historical complex, Europe Day was celebrated. It has already been several years that EU Office in Georgia that is a donor organization to the Georgian Legal Aid Service together with UNDP celebrates Europe D..


Blood Donation at Tbilisi Legal Aid Bureau

On September 26, the limited liability company “City Station of Blood Donation” visited Tbilisi Bureau of Legal Aid service. It is already a tradition that the public lawyers and consultants donate their blood several times a year. Acc..


EU Experts Visit Legal Aid Service

EU monitoring mission experts Igor Pelicciari, Erwin Roose and their Georgian colleague Nino Khurtsidze visited Legal Aid Service. Director of Legal Aid Service Meliton Benidze introduced guests with the projects implemented with support of the EU..
