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The declaration - "Make the law accessible to all" was signed

On June 11, at the Tbilisi Marriott Hotel, there was signed a declaration which expresses  the spirit of the nationwide movement "Let’s make the Law Accessible to All." Razhden Kuprashvili, Director of the Legal Aid Service, introduced the representatives of the partner agencies to the main basics leading to the necessity of launching the project "Let’s make the Law Accessible to All".

The movement initiated by the Legal Aid Service was joined by the Authorities of the Ministry of Justice, the Human Rights Secretariat of the Government Administration, the Department of Regional Government, the State Inspector, the Bar Association, the Mediators Association, and the Public Defender, all having signed the Declaration.

The goal of the project initiated by the Legal Aid Service is to raise the awareness of the population of the country by providing them with information on various topical legal issues, on-site consultations, and presentations.

The goal of the project initiated by the Legal Aid Service is to raise the awareness of the population of the country by providing them with information on various topical legal issues, on-site consultations, and presentations. the agencies involved in the movement are determined through cooperation with the partners considering the specifics of the region. However, general issues include juvenile rights, violence against women and domestic violence, land registration, social issues, health, education, employment, jurors, and other topical legal issues.

The representatives of all the organizations involved in the project pointed out the timeliness and urgency of the project and expressed readiness to participate in the information campaign. A specific plan schedule will be designed soon, according to which the legal needs of the population in dozens of villages and towns will be studied and the relevant participants of the movement will be consulted.

The “Let’s make the Law Accessible to All” movement was initiated and prepared by the Legal Aid Service and it  is supported by the Council of Europe Council of Europe Office in Georgia • and USAID-PROLoG - Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia Activity.