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Egyptian Christian copt was granted refugee status in Georgia

The lawyer of the Tbilisi Bureau of the Legal Aid Service Tea Kaulashvili had to protect the interests of Egyptian Christian N. M. G. G. twice in five years, who was demanding the refuge in Georgia. The beneficiary is a Coptic Christian from Egypt..


A citizen of Iraq was given an opportunity to proceed humanitarian status in Georgia

S.S.M.G -  a citizen of Iraq has left his home country because of the military actions. In 2015 he was given a humanitarian status in Georgia. In 2018 due to the improvement of the situation in Iraq, S.S.M.G was refused to proceed humanitarian s..


Egyptian Copt has the possibility to be granted the refugee status.

The representative of the Egyptian Copt, H.A.Z.A.E had to leave the country of origin because of the threat of death. Specifically, H.A.Z.A.E was blamed by the ex-wife of his brother for kidnapping her nephews. H.A.Z.A.E asked for asylum to the Repub..


Court Made Decision in Favor of the Beneficiary from Somalia

The LAS Tbilisi Legal Aid Bureau attorney Tamar Kupatadze defended interests of the citizen from Somalia – H.M.H. in the dispute against the MIA Migration Department. The beneficiary asked for asylum in Georgia.  The public attorney fou..


Woman from Somalia Got Chance of Receiving Asylum

The woman from Somalia – I.M.D. applied to the Tbilisi Legal Aid Bureau for assistance. According to her, she was 13 years old when she moved to Saudi Arabia together with her family. In 2003, she was forced to get married.  In 2004, sh..


Asylum Seeker Received Refugee Status

On October 31, 2018, an asylum seeker from the Republic of Iraq A.A.M.A. applied to the LAS Tbilisi Legal Aid Bureau for legal assistance. First, the public lawyer Sophia Jolokhava rendered him a legal consultation, then drafted a lawsuit and submitt..


Court Charged Minor’s Father with Paying Alimony

The LAS Tbilisi Legal Aid Bureau lawyer – Maia Dadvani defended interests of the socially vulnerable single mommy – K.Kh. Namely, the client demanded from the father of her child – A.M. to pay alimony. The public lawyers found ou..


Accused Woman Was Fully Acquitted after 4-Year Trial

The court trial regarding the incident which took place in Ozaani village, Dedoplistskaro district, in January, 2014, finished in May, 2018. The head of the LAS Kakheti-Sighnaghi Legal Aid Bureau – Tamaz Gurashvili defended interests of the acc..


After 4-Year Trial, Person Accused of Several Counts Was Acquitted

The LAS Kakheti-Telavi Legal Aid Bureau lawyer – Lali Chavelashvili defended interests of the Telavi resident P.S. since 2014. According to the prosecution, in September, 2014, P.S. imported the psychotropic substance “pseudoephedrine&..


Minor Accused of Carrying Cold Steel Was Fully Acquitted

In February 2018, the LAS Tbilisi Legal Aid Bureau lawyer – Mevlud Janjghava was assigned to protect the minor accused L.B. on the basis of the compulsory defense. According to the prosecution, the policemen arrested L.B. at nearby territor..
